Really Simple Investing Podcast

A More Disciplined Approach to Investing in Cryptocurrency with Kathy Vu

Floyd Season 1 Episode 9

Contacdt Kathy At:

Are you interested in investing in cryptocurrency but unsure about where to start?

Kathy Vu, is a mother of four who invested in bitcoin and cryptocurrency and created a newsletter called the Bitcoin Newsletter. 

In this episode Kathy shares her background and how she got into investing in cryptocurrency, her disciplined approach to investing, and her insights on the cycles of cryptocurrency and how to follow trends in the market. 

Her newsletter, which provides tips and advice on how to accumulate cryptocurrency at better prices, and emphasizes the importance of discipline and patience when investing in cryptocurrency. The episode provides a helpful introduction to cryptocurrency investing and highlights the potential benefits of including it in a diversified portfolio.

Kathy shares her experience investing in cryptocurrency, her disciplined approach to investing, and her insights on how to follow trends in the market.

Kathy explains that like many investors, she was advised to invest in the stock market after graduating high school. However, her investments suffered during the dot-com bubble and the financial crisis, leaving her worried about her retirement and future. She tried other investment options such as real estate and precious metals, but they didn't work out for her. Eventually, she turned to cryptocurrency, starting with bitcoin in 2017.

Kathy talks about  the cycles of cryptocurrency and how bitcoin, with its extensive history, is easier to follow than other cryptocurrencies. We also talk about the importance of following trends and trend lines in the market. Kathy's newsletter provides a broad overview of what's going on in the cryptocurrency space, tips, and advice on how to accumulate cryptocurrency at better prices.

When the price of Bitcoin rises, Kathy recommends taking some profits off the table and investing in a stable coin, which is pegged to a more stable asset like the US dollar or gold. This helps to maintain the value of the investment during volatile market conditions. She suggests using stable coins like USD Coin (USDC), Paxos (PAX), or Dai (DAI).

 Kathy's  keeps focuses on a long-term investment strategy, recommending buying bitcoin when the price is lower and accumulating more over time. 

 Overall, Kathy emphasizes the importance of discipline and patience when investing in cryptocurrency, and suggests being aware of the cycles of cryptocurrency and how to time investments in the market.

 If you're interested in learning more about investing in cryptocurrency, check out Kathy's newsletter at As Kathy says, "Bitcoin is a valuable asset to hold in a portfolio. It's more secure, faster, and cheaper than traditional currencies, and its global growth over the past decade is a testament to its value."

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A More Disciplined Approach to Investing in Cryptocurrency with Kathy Vu

Timestamps Summary

Background and motivation [00:00:42] Kathy talks about her background and motivation for investing in cryptocurrency.

Choosing Bitcoin [00:03:05] Kathy explains why she chose to invest in Bitcoin over other cryptocurrencies.

 Following trends in the market [00:06:35] Kathy and Floyd discuss the cycles of cryptocurrency and how to follow trends in the market.

 Bitcoin Cycle [00:08:00] Kathy Vu explains the Bitcoin cycle, which is a four-year cycle where the amount of new Bitcoin mined is cut in half, causing a supply limit and a price increase.

 Using Bitcoin to Invest for College Education [00:13:11] Kathy Vu discusses how she uses Bitcoin to invest for her children's college education and encourages people to accumulate Bitcoin when the price is low.

 Taking Profits and Timing the Market [00:15:48] Kathy Vu advises taking profits when the price of Bitcoin is high and using the Bitcoin cycle to time the market. She suggests putting the money back into Bitcoin when the price goes down and waiting for the next cycle.

 Investing in Cryptocurrency [00:16:06] Kathy Vu explains how to invest in cryptocurrency, including taking profits and investing in stable coins.

 Buying and Selling Cryptocurrency [00:21:26] Kathy Vu recommends using a cryptocurrency exchange to buy and sell cryptocurrency and explains the benefits of using one.

Investing in Cryptocurrency Platforms [00:23:41] Kathy Vu discusses the risks and benefits of investing in cryptocurrency platforms and the importance of holding private keys.

Introduction to cryptocurrency [00:23:46] Floyd Saunders and Kathy Vu discuss the benefits of exchange-traded funds and how they can be a great introduction to cryptocurrency for the average investor.

 Investing in cryptocurrency [00:24:57] Kathy Vu talks about the limited scope of cryptocurrency and how it can be a good investment option for those looking to diversify their portfolio.

 Conclusion and call to action [00:26:35] Floyd Saunders wraps up the episode and encourages listeners to like, subscribe, and follow the Really Simple Investing podcast on social media.

(00:00:05) - You're listening to the Really Simple Investing podcast. I'm your host Floyd Saunders, and our guest today is Kathy Vu. Kathy Vu is the mother of four and realized in kind of like the middle of growing those kids up, she had to do something to invest some more money for retirement and college education. And she picked investing in Bitcoins and cryptocurrency despite not being particularly techno proficient, I guess you would say. And then she created a newsletter, the Bitcoin newsletter that we'll talk about that a little bit and we'll talk about Cathy's experience investing in cryptocurrency. So Kathy, welcome to the show. Thank

Kathy Vu (00:00:40) - You, Floyd. I'm so glad to be here. 

Floyd (00:00:42) - Kathy, tell us a little bit more about your life experience, if you will. Something about your background. How did you get to where you are?

Kathy Vu (00:00:49) - Thank you. so probably like so many, everyday investors, we were, you know, you go, you are told already in high school, go to get a good job, start investing in the stock market. And that's exactly what I did. Just, I was so excited about it as soon as I graduated in exactly 1999, <laugh>, perfect timing as you, as you know. And I just saw so much of my money put down the drain with a bomb, and then thinking I was getting ahead again, finally when that started coming up. And then the financial crisis as maybe some of your listeners have experienced. And I know that had to go through that. And then I just was beside myself trying to figure out how I'm going to ever get to that goal of, you know, retirement and, you know, that sweet buy and buy sort of place if that keeps happening. Because just what we were expecting or what we were told to expect right in investing did not occur. And so I was just, you know, trying to find what else is out there that I could drive. And that's how I ended up in,  , I tried a few other things before I tried crypto because at the time, crypto was unheard of. Tried real estate, tried,  , uh, precious metals, gold, silver and that stuff. And some of it worked, some of it,  , was not my, and within my time ability having right. Three kids, so then I needed crypto and that worked really well.

Floyd (00:02:14) - So crypto's worked really well for you in that you've been doing that for how many years?

Kathy Vu (00:02:18) - Five.

Floyd (00:02:19) - Five years. Yeah. That's quite, that's quite remarkable because, uh, over the last five years, cryptocurrencies in general, then there's a variety of them. We'll, maybe we'll talk a little bit about which ones you've picked have gone up quite dramatically and have also had their cycles where they've fallen quite dramatically as well. So we might talk a little bit about how they have that quick rise depending upon the currency and how to some extent, cryptocurrency is kind of a craze that people get into. And then you fall out of that craze and you find a way to invest. I think you have a plan for investing in cryptocurrency. Maybe we'll talk about that a little bit. Yeah. Talk to me a little bit about how you got to the point that you decided to invest in Bitcoin versus some of the other cryptocurrencies that are available.

Kathy Vu (00:03:05) - At the time, that I got in, a lot of the other cryptos were really, tiny and Bitcoin was really one of the main ones. So back in  2017, the main of course was Bitcoin's second, of course was Ethere  as it is now. But at the time, there was also light coin and a few other tiny, like much smaller ones. And when I got into Bitcoin, it wasn't really because I knew that, oh my gosh, this is gonna go to the moon and it's gonna make me all this money. 

At the time I was into conspiracy theories. And so I was, that's actually what got me interested in Bitcoin just as this thing that's the alternative money, something outside of the government, you know, would have this ultimate control of my finances. And that really was interesting. And you know, back then in 2017, crypto was still incredibly sketchy.  , what I did, I definitely did not put a whole bunch of money in it because, you know, it did sound like, like you had alluded to cryptos, are they a scam? Are they not? Are they legitimate? Is this just a fad? And, you know, I was willing to try it out with a little bit. I definitely would recommend not like whoever does want to try this, to not put all their eggs in one basket, even no matter what the promise is, right?

Floyd (00:04:26) - Not putting all your eggs in one basket is a good rule for investing regardless of where you're investing or what kind of products you're investing in. And that's also true for cryptocurrency. Did you try other things other than Bitcoin or is Bitcoin's the primary, cryptocurrency product that you've invested in?

Kathy Vu (00:04:42) - So Bitcoin, I was the first that I tried before I did others. And, you know, within the same year, I went from Bitcoin to, you know, a slew of other cryptocurrencies. At the time that I started, I probably was doing what most people do when they're just trying to figure stuff out. And that's just trying a little bit of everything without a whole bunch of research, which I don't do as much anymore for sure. We recommend doing your homework, finding out what you're investing in and all that kind stuff, right? But I made all the mistakes that investors make and now definitely know better. And that's why now I have a system that works rather than just throw in like spaghetti against the wall and just see what's right. Right, right.

Floyd (00:05:29) - And I think for a lot of people when they're getting at started with investing, that's what they do. They throw spaghetti at the wall, you know, is this gonna work? Is that gonna work? Can I follow this hot tip that I heard at a party, uh, the other day? My best friend's invested in this, so I'll invest in it as well. And they don't really have a discipline. But what you're saying is that your experience investing in cryptocurrency, you've developed a discipline and a plan and you communicate that to your followers through your crypto club newsletter, right? 

Kathy Vu (00:06:02) - Yes. Because, you know, as random as it seems that Bitcoin is, there's actually a cycle that has repeated now more than three times. So we have quite a bit of history so that we can kind of extrapolate what we think is going to happen in the future. It's really not as random as people think. It just seems random because it's so wild but, there's actually a lot of data that we can use now to back up what, what we believe will happen in the future and why we believe,

Floyd (00:06:35) - You know, one of the other guests that I've had on my podcast show was Dan Sugar, who is, uh, a third generation trader and he has experienced trading in any n ber of things, and he has, uh, the idea that trader should follow trends and trend lines, do that. So what you're saying is that Bitcoin specifically has some trends that you'd like to follow

Kathy Vu (00:06:57) - Bitcoin? Yeah, because Bitcoin has the most history, so we have just the most data from it. Bitcoin specifically has, is a little bit easier to follow than the other cryptos. The other cryptos currently tend to follow the Bitcoin, so just knowing that gives us a really good idea of what they're gonna do. But like you said, some of them do feel like a fad and they'll rock it up Right. And then crash down. And so some of these ones that are less known,  , don't have as much community behind them, don't have as strong as a team. They can seem very faddish because from one cycle to the next, they may come in, blow in, blow up, blow out, and then we don't hear from them again, actually has been tracking through and  , seems very solid actually.

Floyd (00:07:47) - And so you mentioned these cycles. Can you describe what a cycle looked like? Does it correlate to economic activity, stock market activity, people's fear in the market? How does it correlate to anything?

Kathy Vu (00:08:00) - Yeah, that is a great question. So if you look into Bitcoin, you, and you'll try to find out why, like is there a way for us to time when to get in, when to get out, that sort of thing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like what's going on there? Bitcoin actually follows,  , or I don't know if you could say follow or actually created this, what we call now the Bitcoin cycle. So what happens in Bitcoin, Bitcoin is of course,  , a computer program. Ultimately that's what it is. And within that computer program,  , the code has made it so that the amount of new Bitcoin that is mined or made,  , and introduced into the system is actually cut in half every four years. So that's actually going to limit supply. And as you know, when there's a supply limit or decrease

Floyd (00:08:56) - Basic economics,

Kathy Vu (00:08:58) - Yeah. So less supply,  , the price tends to go up. And that's exactly what happens. So every time there's the event the Bitcoin having, so that supply is actually decreasing or the amount of new Bitcoin is decreasing,  , it'll cause like before it occur, before the having occurs, it'll cause the runup in anticipation of that supply shock. And we've noticed over the, the last several cycle, it actually blows past. And that's what in the year after that having, it causes that bull run. And so the length of the bull run up cycle has been lengthening over the last few cycles. And then we can kind of almost figure out when that top is gonna happen approximately, and then over crash probably the next, the following year.

Floyd (00:09:50) - So that's

Kathy Vu (00:09:51) - What happened

Floyd (00:09:51) - In, do those cycles happen, you know, naturally organically? Are they basically kind of artificially induced by Bitcoin saying, okay, we're manufacturing this product but we're gonna cut the vol e of it in half and we're gonna do it on this date?

Kathy Vu (00:10:07) - What, what you're saying, like naturally, organically,  , it's, I I don't know which word to use there because I know that the program has it set. So I know that,  , the next having is gonna occur approximately April, 2024, give or take a month depending on how, how quickly they make blocks and stuff like that. Okay.

Floyd (00:10:34) - So in in that regard, it's somewhat similar to a stock option or a future's, uh, option expiring on a particular date. And so you know that on this date, this particular option trade is either gonna be in the money or out of the money, be meaning that you're gonna make money off of it or it's gonna become worthless. and and so in that sense it's not organic, it's predictable and what you're saying, yes. What you're saying is that the, the rise in the price of the Bitcoin is also predictable based upon the fact that they have a date by which they're gonna have the value of any new Bitcoin they mine.

Kathy Vu (00:11:13) - I would say so. So there is, so, so the, so the going theory amongst most people in cryptocurrency is that Bitcoin having is what's causing that bull run. Now there's, there is also the possibility that it's also going with the liquidity cycle that I've heard that theme before from, a few other people. It's not the major theme because we for sure see that when that Bitcoin having occurs the year prior to the year after there's that bull run mm-hmm. <affirmative>, now there's, if it is also related to the liquidity cycle, when more money is p ped into the system, people don't know what to do with it. Oh, let's try start investing. Now there's more money to be also poured into Bitcoin and other risk on assets. So that could also be part of how the money's moving and, and that quick rise as well.

Floyd (00:12:06) - Okay. So we're gonna take a break at this point. We're gonna come back and we're gonna find out how Kathy View actually uses Bitcoin to invest for her children's college education. Find out if any of those kids are actually going to college on their Bitcoin investment and talk a little bit more about your newsletter. So we'll be right back after this break. We'll be right back with more great ideas for investing and building your financial security. 

Floyd (00:13:11) - We're back, you're still listening to the really Simple Investing podcast and we're with Kathy View, who is the publisher and author of the Crypto Club Currency newsletter. Something that she created to help, uh, women specifically who are worried about having enough money for retirement in the kids college education. Something that was a concern for you. And so you have a, a newsletter that comes out on a pretty regular basis, I take it? Yes. Uh, and you have a list of subscribers and people that are utilizing that newsletter to invest in cryptocurrency. Is that the gist of it?

Kathy Vu (00:13:45) - Yeah, the newsletters actually gives, kind of like gives a broad overview of what's going on in uh, the cryptocurrency space. Cuz a lot of people, once they buy Bitcoin, they're like, what else is out there? So there was information about the other stuff, but also yes, tips. And I know that the hardest part with cryptocurrency is when Bitcoin starts falling, people are like, what do I do now? What do I do? Yeah, exactly. Like that is the big thing. So a lot of the newsletter is also, hey, hang in there, this is what happens. And encouraging people to continue accumulating as you know, when it's low, instead of waiting to put it pour in money once it's already starting to buy So we're trying to encourage people for those better prices. Yeah.

Floyd (00:14:29) - Yeah. So when they're going through that cycle of price changes and the the prices are going down, are you advising people to do something to short sell their positions or to hold their positions and just not put more money in because it's gonna go up, back up response to the cycle, specifically around Bitcoin as we talked about earlier in the show?

Kathy Vu (00:14:49) - Yeah, well there's definitely, as the cycles continue when you know that hey, you know, Bitcoin has gone up 10 x 20 in the last cycle almost,  20 x almost since the, from the bottom of about six K to 69,000, when you know you've had 10 x in the year and a half, you're probably, it's probably a good idea to take some money off the table, right? Because if that served you, even if you take a little bit off the top when it's high and you see it when you're looking at a chart, cuz you know that price is looks parabolic, right? Right. It looks like this line going straight up.  even you take some off the table cuz you know, if you're looking at those bitcoin havings and you know that hey, we're about a year, year and a half out after the having,  , you can use those cycles to kind of time it so it goes back down Right. And then put your money back in, which hopefully will double your, your Bitcoin and you wait for the next cycle. Sure.

Floyd (00:15:48) - So when you take money out because the prices are rising and you take basically you're, you're selling to take profits that you're making, right? Where do you, where do you put your money, the actual money that you're getting out of Bitcoin in the savings account of the bank? Do you invest in a mutual fund? What are you doing with the money that you take out of the Bitcoin?

Kathy Vu (00:16:06) - Yeah, so well I definitely recommend some of it off the table and celebrating <laugh>. but of course you're gonna take some off the table. And so,  , the deal with cryptocurrency is because of that volatile price, you wanna put it in something that has a more stable price, right? so then you're looking at a stable coin. So there could, there's stable coins that are,  pegged to the US dollar, others that are pegged to the price of gold or to the, you know, British pound whatever. So you're picking an, uh, a different cryptocurrency that is pegged to something that is more stable, any of the stable coins so that,  , they will maintain your how whatever value right dollar you have, as if at when the cryptocurrency you bought, the volatile one does go down, you buy back in using your stable coins. So now you have twice as much, three times as much of the crypto that you do want.

Floyd (00:16:58) - So that's part of your plan. Take your money from Bitcoin as it's going up rising in price and moving it to a stable, uh, cryptocurrency. that you're aware of. Now what are ex what are some examples of a stable cryptocurrency and, and why wouldn't you use either antra exchange traded fund that's holding those or a mutual fund or something like that as a product to invest the money until you decide to get back into BI Bitcoin?

Kathy Vu (00:17:26) - So, yeah, so great question. So you definitely can do those things because you know that,  , if you're selling close to the top, you know that you're gonna wait maybe a year, right? For the price default all the way down towards the bottom,  and then get back in. So that, that is definitely long enough that you could be in a, in a different asset or you can just wait on the side, your choice. Some, some people are just thinking that you can use any of this. So other staples like, U S D C or Paxos or some of these other stablecoin that are pegged to the dollar.

Floyd (00:18:00) - So you're investing in Bitcoin, Bitcoin is going up, you're buying the profits, you're taking money off the table, you're putting some of that money into a more stable, uh, Bitcoin or perhaps somewhere else. And then you get back in as the market for Bitcoin has repeated and is, uh, coming back up again. Where would you put your money when you take it out of Bitcoin is, do you have some examples of some stable cryptocurrency products that you would recommend to people? Or would they use an exchange traded fund that holds cryptocurrency, maybe even a mutual fund? Or should they just put their money like, you know, in a cash money market account while they're waiting?

Kathy Vu
(00:18:38) - Yeah, great question. So when you wanna take your money out of Bitcoin cuz you think, oh, that it's grown quite a bit, we're gonna put some on the side. Definitely take some to celebrate other, the rest of it you're putting on side waiting for the price to come back down so you can buy back into Bitcoin right. And repeat the whole cycle again in the meantime because you know that that fall could take a year, year and a half, definitely you could put it into another asset, but while you're waiting you can either, since you sell, since when you sell, you can sell it and just get your money back in cash. or put it in a stablecoin like Die or  , U S D C or even Paxos, which is actually a stable point related, uh, peg to the price of gold.

Floyd (00:19:27) - And in your newsletter that you send out to your followers, your subscribers, do you give them alerts as to what they should do? Uh, you know, this is a point where the Bitcoin price has really gone up. We're in that cycle, now it's time to take money off the table and here's a couple of alternative places to put your money. is that something that you provide in your newsletter?

Kathy Vu (00:19:47) - Yeah, I'm actually more of a long-term holder. I don't, I don't try to trade one because, you know, uh, a lot of people are busy being a busy mom myself for kids. I'm not trading in and out all the time. So, uh, the system that I have is more recommending, 

Hey, when you get in, this is how you do it. Buy it when it's lower and then you wait your buy-in, buy a little bit more accumulate, wait for that going up. Start selling at the top is probably only a few trades a year if that. Now I also know that Bitcoin is, I think Goldman Sachs called it like the top performing asset, right? And it's been named in the past as, the best performing,  , sorry, the fastest growing asset in h an history. So with that in mind, especially even with people who are very busy not wanting to trade, not wanting to Right, you know, put their, uh, all their, uh, mi mind and attention on their investments and are willing to look at it as a long-term investment, I feel very comfortable in saying, great, put some money into Bitcoin.

Kathy Vu (00:20:51) - If the, if and when the price go lower, you can buy more to accumulate but you can easily feel comfortable putting it into Bitcoin if you understand what's been half passed and you're comfortable with it just letting it ride for years and years.

Floyd (00:21:03) - Now, do you, uh, suggest to people that they open a brokerage account to do cryptocurrency? Should they go to a currency exchange? Can they invest their money into cryptocurrency specifically in Bitcoin by using one of the investment apps on their phone? Like M one or Robinhood? Or how do you suggest people get into the actual buying and selling of cryptocurrency like Bitcoin?

Kathy Vu (00:21:26) - Oh, that's another great question because there's a million ways to do that too, so I, I definitely recommend being on a cryptocurrency exchange.

Kathy Vu (00:21:34) Because that one, it allows you to have access to a whole bunch of cryptos if that's you, what you want. Number two, it gives you alerts when the price is moving. That's often very helpful and it allows you to, or most of the ones that I know of, like, uh, coinbase and, they also allow you to do automatic payments, uh, sorry, automatic, investments. It can be like you said it and forget it, right. 

Floyd (00:22:00) - I can put a hundred bucks a month or $500 a month or whatever I chose to Yes. Beautiful. By having a brokerage account with a crisis. Exactly.

Kathy Vu (00:22:07) - You don't have to keep as up as many tabs on it. So I like that. also, cryptocurrency platforms tend to also give you other possibility of, of using your, your crypto, such as, earning interest allow you to, as you learn about your, the cryptos or the different cryptos, they actually give you free crypto for spending your time and letting you watch a little video. So things like that. I recommend also a big caveat with how you invest is some of the platforms that do offer crypto or offer you to invest crypto actually make it so that they hold your crypto. You can't take your crypto. 

So cryptocurrency specifically is made get sovereignty over your finances. You get to bring it into your own hard, hard wallet. You keep it, you hold the, the what's called the private keys, which is, uh, which gives you the right to use your crypto to send it to s to to sell it, that sort of thing where when you leave it on an exchange, if they're holding the private keys, it's possible because you might have heard that of the fdx debacle that is a cryptocurrency exchange where they held the private keys and then they stole some of their client's cryptos Bitcoin, if you did have it, if you bought it on a cryptocurrency platform, all of them that I know of allow you to download it into your own cryptocurrency wallet and ETFs are, is a great way to get exposure into cryptocurrency without having be like totally responsible for pull your own crypto.

Kathy Vu (00:23:41) - That's an excellent way to do it as well. Yeah. But it will still go up and down with the, the price of Bitcoin.

Floyd (00:23:46) - Sure. Yeah. I've always been a big fan of, exchange traded funds for people because I, you don't have to learn everything and you don't have to pay attention to everything constantly. It's for the average investor that wants to, you know, build a position over time. This has been a really great introduction to cryptocurrency. Anybody that doesn't really understand cryptocurrency, I think if they listen to your, uh, interview with us today, Kathy, they would've learned a lot. So I really appreciate that. I have a couple of, couple of questions before we wrap it up. And one is, let's just ass e for a minute that you have an opportunity to sit down and talk to a couple of really billionaire type investors like Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger from Berkshire. And as you probably know, they're not very fond of cryptocurrency. You know, you can't evaluate it. It doesn't have, uh, interest particularly, it doesn't pay a dividend, uh, no cash flow revenue that you can analyze. And these are all the things that they do to make money. So in that conversation, what would you tell Warren Buffet and Charlie? about investing in cryptocurrency.

Kathy Vu (00:24:57) - Yeah. I know that they've been super hard on crypto. Yeah. And I don't know what part of it is because just the technology is, is, is so much newer. If you're, if you're just talking about, look, this asset ha is limited in scope, or sorry, it just has this limited hard cap, there'll never be another one as we, in the US we have, we're getting so much inflation from all this money printing, so we know you were a millionaire, billionaire, where else would you wanna put your money? Would you wanna hold in cash? Would you wanna put in gold? Which is great, but Bitcoin is that digital gold. And as it continue, that hard cap always will be limited and people start losing confidence in, in currencies around the world. And we have reasons Bitcoin will continue growing because it's more secure, it's faster, it's cheaper. If more people use it, will it not grow? And would you be willing to bet that it won't if globally it has been for more than a decade.

Floyd (00:25:58) - Thank you so much, Kathy. Just to wrap up, where can people get to your newsletter so they can subscribe?

Kathy Vu (00:26:04) - The best way to, reach me would be going to my webpage, which is simple bitcoin and that'll reach me. there, you can email me and there's also links to my newsletter. That would be perfect to continue conversations for whoever's interested. Thank you.

Floyd (00:26:24) - Thank you so much, Kathy. This has been Kathy view on really simple investing and we've been talking about cryptocurrency. I think this has been a really great introduction. Appreciate your time, Kathy.

Kathy Vu (00:26:34) - Thank you Floyd.

Floyd (00:26:35) - Thank you for joining us for the really Simple Investing podcast. Every week we bring you fresh ideas for investing and really simple ways to invest and build for your financial security. Be sure and hit the like button, subscribe. Follow us on social media channels and tell your friends. And if you'd like to be a guest on really simple investing, just go to the contact page on our website and send us an inquiry. Thanks. We appreciate our audience so much.



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